Tuesday, June 15, 2010

30 Weeks!

I can't believe it.  I can't believe I have made it into the 30's!  6 weeks ago, I never would have believed it.  Now I am feeling like we could even make it full term with these girls, I just have no idea what will happen!  Once again, God has a plan and it's not for us to know beforehand.  :)

Things are going very well.  I AM STILL HOME!!  Shocker there too!  lol  Both girls are still head down, so we are definitely planning for a vaginal birth still.  I am having more and more contractions the larger my uterus grows, but they are not changing my cervix for the most part.  I have been to Labor & Delivery several times for monitoring and I am a good 4cm dilated (nearing 5cm according to my OB,) 80% effaced and -1 station.  I am getting close to the point where they won't let me return home due to advanced dilation, so I am super happy to still be allowed to be home.  I don't live too far away from the hospital, and they know I know when I need to come in, so they are allowing me to continue bedrest at home.  I am getting HUGE and therefore rather uncomfortable, but I am not complaining!  I am just so thrilled to still be pregnant!

Here is proof of hugeness.  ;)  30 weeks and 3 days!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

29 Weeks!

Ok, so I am terribly behind with blogging!  However, the good news is, I am still gestating!!!!  YAY!  We are 29 weeks 2 days today, having made it 5 extra weeks so far from when all of this started.  What a blessing!  We had a growth ultrasound on Wednesday and Carly is 2lbs 13oz and Callie is 2lbs 15oz.  Still growing right on target and good sizes.  I have been doing home bedrest for a week now, and I have to say that while I had my reservations about coming home after a day filled with contractions and medicine to stop them the day before they sent me home, I think it has been the best thing for me!  I feel so fabulous and am enjoying being able to spend quality time with my family again.  We are able to go to the pool and I can lay in the lounge chair and watch them play and get some fresh air and sunshine.  Does the body good!

Here are my 28 week and 29 week belly shots:

In other news, Mikaela is doing FABULOUS potty training finally!  She went the entire day yesterday with NO accidents!  She even went to the potty at the pool.  I'm so proud of her!  (And very thankful that hopefully we will only have 2 in diapers when these little girls are born!)

All in all, things are going really great for us right now.  I feel completely blessed in so many ways.  I watch how great Mike is doing with handling everything and how good he is with the kids and am just so thankful to have such a wonderful husband.  I am so blessed that I am still pregnant and almost to the 30's!  I have such great kids, even though Mikaela is a stinker and a handful, she is a ray of sunshine at the very same time!  God has blessed me beyond measure. ♥