Close up:
We will hopefully be going back in about 2 weeks for another quick peek to verify gender. I would already have it scheduled, but I was in the bathroom (I spend a lot of time in there these days it seems! My bladder is already crowded!) when the offer from the owner was made to come back in 2 weeks. Just need to call her and schedule it!
Here are some of the pictures from the 3d part of the ultrasound. ♥
And here is a super cute little 4d video of them. The one on the bottom watching the show with a smile on it's face is the one we think is a boy and the one who can't be still is the one we think is a girl! ♥
In other news, it turns out that I am indeed anemic, so hopefully that has been the cause of my tachycardia! Just need to take a little extra iron. :) I love it when things are simple - doesn't seem to happen very often! Things are going great. I feel SO BLESSED!