Saturday, April 17, 2010

22 Weeks ... and we picked names!

Here we are, at 22 weeks and things are still going great!  I had an OB appointment yesterday and everything looks good.  My cervical length was right at 3cm which was good.  Baby A is still just chillin out in there and Baby B still never sits still!  So funny.  I found out that I will be delivering in the OR even though if Baby A is head down, we are going to shoot for a vaginal delivery.  They like to deliver in the OR just in case they end up needing to do a c-section if things don't work out with delivering both babies vaginally.  Necessary, but it means that only Mike will be able to be in the delivery room.  :(  I will miss not having Tiffany (my sister-in-law) in there with my again. 

I am having contractions still, but they obviously aren't doing anything, so they are just here to annoy me still!  I'll take that over preterm labor any day though!  ;)  I'm amazed every day how wonderful this pregnancy is going.  I pray that God will continue to bless us and keep these babies safe!  My first goal is to make it to 34 weeks.  :) 

Here is my 22 weeks belly shot - I really can't believe how huge I am already!  Sometimes it is still hard to wrap my head around the fact that there are 2 babies growing in there.

In other news, we came up with names for our little girls!  Baby A will be Carly Ann and Baby B will be Callie Marie.  ♥  We just loved the names Carly and Callie together, and their middle names are in memory of Mike's grandma who was such a wonderful, fun, beautiful woman, Annette Marie Ryan.  She lost her battle with cancer nearly 7 years ago.  She and Haley went through cancer and treatment together and they had such a special bond.  The world lost a very special person and she will always have a very special place in the heart of anyone who knew her.  Carly and Callie will always have a part of her with them.  ♥

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