Sunday, March 27, 2011

9 Months Old ♥

I can hardly even believe it.  My little babies are 9 months old today.  I swear it seems like only yesterday we were driving frantically to the hospital when they were on their way!  To celebrate the day, Callie cut her very first tooth!  This is the earliest any of my kids have gotten a tooth.  Haley was 13 months and Mickey was 18 months!!!  I hope the rest of her teeth are a little easier for her - sh has been miserable this last week.  I just can't get over how big they are.  Sigh.  It's fun, but it makes me sad to see my last babies growing up so fast!  Here I am with my BIG BABIES today!

After a morning and early afternoon of doing tons of laundry and cleaning up around the house, we went to our friends Nick and Juliane's house.  They have 3 boys, Caio, Brendan and Gabriel.  Mickey always loves to go over and play with them, and now Carly and Callie are getting big enough to get in on the action!  Callie, the spunky little thing she is, gets right in there with them!  She is trying to get the balls from the boys and steal Gabrielle's binky, all documented in pictures!  haha  Carly just kinda sits back and takes it all in.

Callie is my little Mickey and Carly is my little Haley Bug.  We had a great time, and I made a date with Juliane to hit the YMCA for a class she attends every Monday to workout!  :-)  My working out has been an epic fail this week, but I am really going to try to get back into the swing of it this week!!  I fear what the scale will say on weigh day tomorrow.  Looking forward to Carly and Callie's 9 month checkup tomorrow though and seeing how much these BIG GIRLS have grown!

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