Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred, oh YEAH!

This is my new workout for at least the next 30 days! It combines strength training + cardio + abs and it's about a 20 minute workout that kicked my butt! I don't have a lot of free time, so this seems perfect for me. We shall see in 30 days. Of course, in addition to the working out, I am eating more healthy and watching my calorie intake. I'm no expert at this, but I am trying to stay within 1500 calories a day. We'll see how it goes. At any rate, I LOVE this workout! I am doing Level 1 right now (found it On Demand) and I am definitely buying the DVD to get level 2 & 3.

So, I didn't get around to my minimal 15 minute cleaning/organizing yesterday.  BUT, it was 80 degrees out, so Mickey and I went outside and played for a few hours with the little girls next door while Carly and Callie napped since it was so nice out.  I think that was a good excuse not to for one day.  ;-)  Today I did it!  I tackled an ongoing problem; this chair in Mickey and Haley's room that gathers clean, folded laundry that didn't get put away!  I'm going to try to make more of an effort to just take the few extra minutes and put it away as soon as it's folded.  But, it is spic and span now!  That feels good.  Each little area motivates you to do more!

You would absolutely DIE if you saw the rest of this room.  Oh my - it needs some SERIOUS help.  (However, at this point, I could say that about a good portion of my house!)  But, I'll get there!  And I am going to teach these children how to be clean and organized if it kills me!!!

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