Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another Gorgeous Day!

Today was another absolutely wonderful day weather wise!  We spent the morning and early afternoon, playing, bathing, cleaning and mommy doing her workout as usual.  Mickey is so cute - she loves her baby sisters SO much!  She is always asking to hold them, even though they are more than half her size now!  LOL

After we picked up Haley from her Wetland Watchers meeting after school, we hit the pavement for another walk!  It was even warmer today than yesterday, but alas, the cold weather will return tomorrow.  Bye Bye 70's, hello 50's!  BOO!  I am so ready for the warm weather to stay, but hey, at least we have heat now!  ;-) So, after our walk we played in the backyard to enjoy the warm weather.  Mickey played on her playset, swung on the new tree swing, jumped on the trampoline with Izzie, picked dandelions and just had a good old time!

Carly and Callie sat on their blanket and enjoyed the sunshine.  They kept trying to work their way off the blanket to explore, but I keept moving them back to the center!  hehe  Carly was really determined to get her hands on the pine shats so she could chew on them!  She even gave her sister a lesson - I can hear her saying, "1.)  Move the blanket out of the way and get your hands on a pine shat.  2.)  See - this is going to be great to chew on!  3.)  Put the pine shat in your mouth!"  hahaha  Callie thought it was hilarious.

They are just so cute and so much fun!  I LOVE this age, even though I absolutely cannot believe they will be 9 months old in a matter of days!  The fear at the thought of having twins all my life now seems so silly because, while they are a lot of work, they are just so much fun, such a blessing!  ♥

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet sweet post! I finally read it. And the pine shat thing IS hillarious!! They are going to be getting into so much trouble together. LOL I love it!!!
